same show, new set: an explanation and an update

Sometimes a show’s intermission is placed to allow for a set change. That is how I want to see the last month or so. Of course, our break in production was less expected and more confusing than an intermission in the theatre. For that, I apologize. And I am going to do my best to make sure that we do better.
Why am I the one making this promise? Because I am the new editor-in-chief of The Theatrical Board. Hello. You may have seen my name here before, under the title of “jazz handed historian.” I’m not the only board member whose position has changed.
Many have stepped down. They will be dearly missed and remembered fondly. The Theatrical Board remains. I’m still here, as is Hayley. So are Rachel and Stephanie, both of whom are taking over our social media presence. And we’re looking for new writers to join the fold (more info here)!
Beyond personnel, we are also making changes to our schedule. One of the major reasons behind our abrupt “intermission” was burnout. Everyone on the staff has a full schedule. Writing for The Theatrical Board is not a job, but something we do because we love it. On top of all of our responsibilities, churning out a new article every seven days was too much for the long term. For now, we’ll be publishing one article every Monday. If you’re suffering from theatre withdrawals, be sure to check us out on social media. You can find us on twitter and tumblr if you’d like to see more content.
Thank you for reading our articles. If you’re still with us, thank you for staying. If you are new, thank you for coming. I am grateful for the past and excited for the future. I hope this website will be something that you enjoy as much as we do.