A Final Farewell

There are going to be some big changes coming up at the Board and it is with my deepest emotions that I inform you, Dear Reader, that I will not be part of them.
The Theatrical Board was, from its inception, my baby. It was something I cultivated and took care of and it wasn’t until I was forced to due to mental health reasons that I released the reigns. I am proud of it. I set out to make a place where voices that weren’t straight, white, old, and male could be heard, and I think that, for a bunch of young adults with diverse interests, conflicting schedules, and busy lives outside of our group chat, we did a damn good job.
The women (and Hayley) who shared in this adventure with me have truly become like sisters to me, and I couldn’t have asked for a better team. We have shared ideas, triumphs, distress, and everything in between, and though some are also taking their leave with me, I couldn’t have better faith about the hands that I’m leaving it in. These are more than my friends, they shared my vision when no one else did, and I know that they will continue to carry it.
I have immensely enjoyed my time as a writer, and I hope you have enjoyed your time as a reader. We’ve been through a lot together, and I hope that we’re both better for it. To everyone who engaged with us, whether it was leaving a comment on our site or retweeting one of our stories- even those who met us with incredulousness and an unwillingness to listen. Hatred may not be a very nuanced review, but it’s a review nonetheless.- thank you. We built it, and you came. I hope that you will continue to come as the team continues to build.
At the end of my time here, I suppose there isn’t much to say. Don’t worry about me, as I go on and leave this behind me. I will be okay. Change is in the natural progression of life, and this is just something that I have to let go of. If you want to keep up with me, you can find me on my personal twitter at mollyoftdollys, or my instagram at mollysdollys. May you find fair skies above wherever you go, and may you never find yourself faced with more than you can handle.
And in closing, all I want to say is this: Look, we made a hat.